Monday, February 21, 2011

In the same boat

Is there anyone else in the same boat as me??

I thought I'd take this as an opportunity to reach out to others that are nominated for Sub Saharan Africa in August 2011.

Is there anyone else?

If so, what part of the timeline are you in? I'm currently awaiting medical clearance. I was dentally cleared February 7 and sent in paperwork, Jan 27. 

Let's keep in touch so we can deal with our RAS together :)


  1. I was nominated for Sub-Saharan Africa in August too! What specialty were you nominated for?

    I sent in my paperwork on December 28th. I know that my paperwork is with the medical review nurse - but haven't heard anything yet. I sent in my dental stuff too, but haven't been cleared even though I have perfect teeth (thank you dentist :) ).

  2. YAY! I am nominated for business advising. What about you?

    Good to know that we are both around the same part of the timeline

  3. I am business advising too! I was reading through your blog - we are so in the same boat! I graduated with a degree in marketing as well. I am really looking forward to serving - I just want to know about my medical and dental stuff. My status says it is being reviewed, but I can't get a hold of my dental liaison to save my life.

  4. wow!!! that's awesome! you are the first person that I've met that is nominated for the same time place and region! We def should stay in touch! I can;t figure out how to follow your blog

    I am going to email my nurse March 7th to check on my status! lol I set a date so I don't get restless

  5. Especially since I already emailed them, don't want to bug them. So far, everyone has been very friendly though. I even talked to my placement officer.

  6. How did you get a hold of your placement officer?
    Yes! We should stay in touch. I liked your blog on peacecorpsjournals so I can find it easily.

  7. Ooo! I'll do that to yours too!

    My medical nurse gave it to me. You can try emailing But I think that will give you any business PO at headquarters.

  8. I'm nominated for Central/South America August 2011. I'm around the same as you - sent in my paperwork end of January, already dentally cleared. They received my paperwork Feb 4th, so I can going to email on march 4th - 4 weeks to see what my status is! I know they haven't started sending out many August invites, but I want to be ready when they do!

  9. I'm nominated for July 2011. No region in particular, I don't think. I was nominated in April 2009, though, and have since lost my nomination letter, so I could be wrong. I am doing Master's International (thus the long wait between nomination and invitation) and will be a health volunteer.
