Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Beginning My Journey

After thinking about why I wanted to serve, meeting with the local recruiters, and preparing for the interview I was nominated to serve for the Peace Corps October 6, 2010 for Sub Saharan Africa business advising.

Fast forward to February and all I keep thinking is "Am I cleared yet, am I cleared yet?" I have finally completed my medical process, filled out the forms, and got my shots taken care of. I sent in my papers late January and, let me tell you, I have been anxiously waiting for a reply back. It wasn't until I was in the bathroom (where I do a lot of my thinking) that I realized it's only been 6 days since I sent the paper work. Of course I haven't heard back from them! This must be the patience part that they always warn me about. Now to practice patience.

Feel free to follow along my Peace Corps adventure, I look forward to sharing it. 


  1. I am also nominated for Sub-Sahara Africa / Business Advising :) When is your nomination date?

  2. Hi Katie! I was nominated in October and my anticipated departure date is in August. What about you? :)
